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                Production-Selling Program

                Xingtai yashida machinery manufacturing co., LTD

                Xingtai yashida machinery manufacturing co., ltd. is located in renxian economic and technological development zone, xingtai city, hebei province.

                Xingtai and roth machinery manufacturing co., LTD. Has a mature technology, professional design and development team, the production of various types of band saw, CNC automatic car, hydraulic, pneumatic card wood, hydraulic automatic wood, place the function such as hydraulic pneumatic car, the greatest degree of save Labour, and improve the work efficiency, the band sawing machine on the market at present is updated solutions. The company also produces woodworking band saw single, single line and assembly line more than machine linkage line combination, new wood material assembly line, automatic palletizing line, automatic saw sharpening machine, rolling machine, automatic band saw complete equipment such as pressure machine

                We according to different regions and customer demand for products, tailored to determine the direction of research and upgrading products, we rely on the first-class production equipment and a group of principals, efficient staff, has developed into China's woodworking band saw machinery manufacturing industry and the first line brand.

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